
Victoria holds a Bachelor of Music from Queen’s University, a Master of Music from the University of Western Ontario, and a Master of Divinity from St. Paul University, Ottawa. Prior to her ordination in 2016, Victoria worked as a Policy Analyst with the federal government. Since ordination, she served for two years as the Assistant Curate at St. Thomas the Apostle, Ottawa, and, since 2018, as the Incumbent of St. Luke’s, Ottawa; and has served our diocese in many ways. Victoria was appointed Regional Dean of Central Ottawa in March, 2024. She also sits on the Board of Belong Ottawa.
Victoria is a gifted pastor, priest, and teacher, who will add much intelligence, sensitivity, and creativity to our ministry at Ascension.
Music Director

Aude Urbancic completed her Doctor of Musical Arts in Collaborative Piano with a specialization in vocal accompaniment at the University of Montreal in 2023. She holds a diploma in Collaborative Piano from the University of Montreal, a Master’s Degree in Piano Performance from the University of Ottawa and a Bachelor of Music Degree from Mount Allison University.
Based in Ottawa, Aude keeps busy with her large teaching studio and is a sought-after clinician. She is also the conductor and artistic director of the Ottawa Carleton Male Choir, the pianist for the Ottawa Regional Youth Choir, and the vocal coach for the Bytown School of Singing. Aude also plays for both vocal and instrumental studios at the University of Ottawa. She is a rehearsal pianist for the National Arts Centre and her debut CD was launched in December 2022. Aude has been the music director at Church of the Ascension since 2018.
When Aude is not making music, she enjoys beekeeping, photography, gardening, cooking and tango dancing.
Parish Governance
2024-25 Executive Committee
The Rev’d Victoria Scott
Rector’s Warden: Sarah Dingle
People’s Warden: Dave Longworth
Deputy Wardens: Kate Jordan; Steve dePaul
Treasurer: Adrian Camfield
2024-25 Parish Council
Nora Fyles
Mike Hoyer
Meghan Kitt
Danaya Kotyk
Alan Rempel
Maggie Rose
Charlie Scromeda
Israel Seminega
Tricia Wind