Advent marks the beginning of a new liturgical year and, this year, our Sunday Gospel readings will be read from Mark’s account. Begin the year by taking in the whole story.
Take your Bible and a cup of tea or coffee to a comfortable spot. Have paper and pencil handy so that you can make notes or draw.
You may want to watch the Bible Project video to give yourself an overview.
Begin with a prayer, offering this time to God and asking for ears to hear the Word of God anew.
Read Mark 1 -10.
Take 20-30 minutes to reflect on what you read. Use these questions and whatever means of capturing your thoughts you prefer:
- How are you feeling?
- What struck you most forcefully?
- What surprised you?
Read Mark 11-16
Again, take 20-30 minutes to reflect on what you read. Use these questions and whatever means of capturing your thoughts you prefer:
- How are you feeling? Has it changed?
- What struck you most forcefully?
- What surprised you?
- Have any of your thoughts changed?
- To what is Jesus calling you through this Gospel?
Close in prayer, giving thanks for the gift of the Gospel according to Mark and for Jesus, whom God gave to the world out of the depths of perfect love.