Holy Eucharist, Sundays at 10am
Holy Eucharist is celebrated at the church on Sundays at 10am.
- We offer gluten-free bread and wine (from the common cup) during communion. In the Anglican tradition, receiving in one kind (either bread or wine) is considered full communion.
- We offer Sunday School every second Sunday, and children’s activities (colouring pages, puzzles) are offered each week.
- There is a soft space at the back of the church where children and families are welcome to be.
Compline (Night Prayer): Mondays at 8:30pm
An ancient spiritual practice consisting of prayer, song and silence. Newcomers to Compline are welcome. Come any time between 7:30-8:30pm for conversation, community and refreshments. The service starts at 8:30pm and lasts about 30 minutes.
Lectio Divina (Bible Study) and Eucharist: Tuesdays at 10am
We begin with coffee, and continue with our service which includes the practice of Lectio Divina, and we share in a Eucharist from the Iona Community. All are welcome. Please feel free to be in touch with Rev. Victoria with questions.
Thursday Evenings at Ascension at 7pm
First Thursday of the month: Taizé service
Third Thursday of the month: Contemplative Eucharist with Prayers for Healing