Lent is a season of turning our attention away from temptation and distraction and towards God and God’s will for our lives and the world. We make space to make our relationship with God a priority, taking stock of the ways in which we have failed to do that and the ways in which God nonetheless continues to be faithful to us.
This year, you are invited into a particular Lenten discipline of gratitude. Fast from complaining and grasping and focus instead on the good and growing things God has placed in your life. Find ways to see God at work even in the hard things. Let your gratefulness overflow in acts of love and generosity.
Some specific practices to consider:
- Keep a daily journal, in which you record not only the things for which you are grateful but the experience of discovering and naming them.
- Say grace at every meal. (download a selection here)
- Send a thank you note to at least one person each week.
- Find ways to share those things for which you are thankful with people who may not have such easy access to them.
- Use these weekly reflections and prayers, drawing on the Psalms appointed for use in Lent.
- Join in an Evening Prayer service every Wednesday at 7:30 pm in Lent, March 9-April 13. Contact Karen McBride for the Zoom link.