Monday mornings, beginning Sept 9th

Join in a hike through the beauty of the Gatineau hills and enjoy excellent company in God’s glorious creation.
Contact Dave for details.
Monday mornings, beginning Sept 9th
Join in a hike through the beauty of the Gatineau hills and enjoy excellent company in God’s glorious creation.
Contact Dave for details.
This year, Ascension is joining with churches around Canada and throughout the world in observing the Season of Creation from Sept. 1 to Oct. 11 (Actually, the rest of the world usually stops on the Feast of St. Francis, Oct. 4, but Canadians include Thanksgiving!). During these weeks, we will focus our prayers and our learning on upholding the baptismal commitment to strive to safeguard the integrity of God’s creation, and respect, sustain, and renew the life of the Earth.
Sunday, Sept. 15—We welcome guest preacher, Karri Munn-Venn, Senior Policy Analyst at Citizens for Public Justice to our service
Sunday, Sept. 29—Our service includes prayers of healing for ourselves and the earth. Laying on of hands and anointing will be available.
Sunday, Oct. 6—Blessing of the Animals
On Thursdays from 7:30 to 9pm, Story at the Rectory will be reading A New Climate for Theology: God, the World, and Global Warming by Sallie McFague. The book (hardcopy or e-book) costs about $15, but don’t let money stop you—speak to Rhonda if you need a little help. A free study guide is available and will help us structure our conversations.
On September 5, we’ll be looking at Part One, Chapters 1 and 2.
A New Climate Theology Schedule of Readings
Sept. 5: Part One—The Science and its Significance for Theology
Sept. 19: Part Two—Exploring God and the World within Climate Change
Oct. 3:Part Three—Serving God and Living in the City within Climate Change
Oct. 17: Part 4—Despair and Hope within Climate Change
Sunday, September 8th
September is upon us! Bring your backpacks, briefcases, and portfolios to church for a blessing to carry with you all year.
Stay after church for a BBQ – hotdogs and burgers (including veggie) provided. Bring salad/dessert to share.
August 25th, after the 10:00 service
Wear a rainbow and show some love as we march with other parishes of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa in the Capital Pride Parade!
7:30-9pm, July 11 & 25 and Aug 15 & 29
at the Pretoria Royal Oak
Come get your literature and theology fill on the rooftop terrace at the Pretoria Royal Oak!
July 11 – Creation (The Ainulindale, Valaquenta and 1. The Beginning of Days.)
July 25 – Good and Evil (6. Of Feanor and the Unchaining of Melkor, 7. Of the Silmarils and the Unrest of the Noldor, 8. Of the Darkening of Valinor, 9. Of the Flight of the Noldor)
August 15 – Love and Sacrifice (Beren and Luthien)
August 29 – Human Frailty (The Akallabeth [The Fall of Numenor])
Church of the Ascension is a parish of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa,
and the Anglican Church of Canada.
We stand on the traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnabe nation.