Sermon Archive
A Prophetic Word: Jeremiah and Climate Justice
Guest Homilist Kari Munn-Venn
Sermon: Pentecost 13
Sermon: Pentecost 12
Sermon: Pentecost 11
Sermon: Pentecost 10
Using Our Treasure for the Kingdom
The Rev’d Linda Posthuma
Like Lambs Among the Wolves
Will the fig tree bear fruit next year?
The Rev’d Rhonda Waters
God makes a promise to Abraham
Rev. Linda Posthuma
Jesus is Tempted in the Wilderness
The Rev’d Rhonda Waters
Jesus is transfigured on the mountaintop
The Rev’d Rhonda Waters
The Resurrection of the Body
The Rev’d Rhonda Waters
Blessings and Woes
The Rev’d Rhonda Waters
Jesus Calls the Disciples
The Rev’d Rhonda Waters
Paul’s Teaching on Love
The Rev’d Rhonda Waters
One Body in Christ
The Rev’d Rhonda Waters
Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians
Audio from a sermon given by The Rev’d Rhonda Waters on January 21, 2019.
Audio Sermon for January 13, 2019
Audio from a sermon given by The Rev’d Rhonda Waters on January 13, 2019 at Church of the Ascension.
The Bishop’s Sermon, January 6, 2019
John Chapman, Bishop of Ottawa