This winter is going to be particularly hard for people who do not have stable homes – and we expect their number of grow. The Diocese of Ottawa Community Ministry Day Programs (Centre 454, St. Luke’s Table, and the Well) offer critical emotional and physical support to hundreds of people in our city. Join in this ministry by offering a small gift to brighten someone’s day.
Fill a zippered pouch (like a pencil case) with items such as:

- $5 gift card to Tim Horton’s, McDonald’s, or similar (required)
- Small bottle(s) of hand sanitizer (required)
- A pack of gum or two
- A few mini chocolate bars
- A pack of throat lozenges
- A small pack of Kleenex or two
Drop your pouches off at the church during any on-site service or on Monday, December 14th from 12-7pm. They will be delivered to the Day Programs on Tuesday, Dec. 15th.
We are also happy to accept donations of new socks to be distributed by the Day Programs.